SPS Course Policy
Typically, students at Columbia College and the School of General Studies are not permitted to enroll in courses offered through the School of Professional Studies. However, select courses relevant to sustainable development have been granted an exception by the Undergraduate Committee on Instruction to satisfy requirements for the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development. The list of courses included in this exception is below along with the requirements the courses fulfill in parentheses. Please note the exception only extends to students declared in the sustainable development major and special concentration in addition to those pursuing the accelerated 5-year BA/MS.
SUMA PS4100 Sustainability Management (Skills/Actions)
SUMA PS4130 Sustainable Cities (Elective)
SUMA PS4190 Economics of Sustainability Management (Elective)
SUMA PS4310 Practicum in Innovative Sustainability Leadership (Practicum)
SUMA PS4330 Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Urban Resilience (Elective)
SUMA PS4490 Women in Cities (Elective)
SUMA PS4700 Ethics and Values for Sustainable Development (Elective)
SUMA PS4734 Earth Institute Practicum (Practicum)
SUMA PS4030 Hungry City Workshop (Elective)
SUMA PS4147 Water Resources and Climate (Elective)
SUMA PS4145 Science of Sustainable Water (Elective)
SUMA PS4235 The Science of Urban Ecology (Elective)