5-Year BA/MS
Accelerated 5 Year Program: Sustainable Development (B.A.) and Sustainability Management (M.S.)
Launched in Fall 2015 this companion degree program — offered in collaboration with The Earth Institute, Columbia College, the School of General Studies and the School of Professional Studies — allows students to earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in just five years. Students are trained to become sustainability practitioners who understand the complex environmental challenges facing the world. They develop practical skills in management, quantitative analysis, and sustainability to transform the way that organizations do business.
Building upon the strong foundation of their undergraduate coursework, Sustainable Development students who are accepted into the Sustainability Management program will learn to draw from interdisciplinary perspectives in general, as well as develop specific skills and knowledge in financial management, quantitative analysis, public policy, and the physical dimensions of sustainability. Students will receive practical professional training to help them to understand the systematic and organizational role of sustainability in any organization.