Course Substitution

If you would like to have a course count for credit that was taken outside of the listed program requirements, the course must first go through a review and approval process. This includes electives not listed on the pre-approved list, transfer credits, study abroad, and Columbia courses not explicitly listed on the requirements list. To request approval, you must submit a course substitution form, linked below, to Sylvia Montijo at [email protected].


  • Requests for course substitutions will not be accepted beyond the first semester of your senior year. You may need to return for an additional semester to complete the program requirements.
  • Substitutions for the foundational courses (EESC 2330 Science for Sustainable Development and SDEV UN2300 Challenges of Sustainable Development) are not allowed.

Reviews are completed on a monthly basis and your decision will be e-mailed to you. A maximum of 4 course substitutions are permitted for majors and 2 course substitutions for special concentrators. The limit excludes the approval of elective courses.

Course Substitution Form